Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The New Year

I can't believe Olivia turned five last week! I've written about Olivia's and Rylan's birthdays before and how they are big days that trigger me. Days I wouldn't have unless it was for Matt. But along with the sadness comes a tremendous amount of gratitude for the blessings they each are. Every moment of every day I wish Matt was here. I wish he could be part of the chaos and the mess. I wish he could be part of the laughter and the joy.

The beginning of a new year is when I like to really focus on my goals. I evaluate the year that just ended and think about what I want to change and what I want to keep the same. The beginning of a new year also marks time, which reminds me how long I've been doing life without Matt. The juggle of multiple emotions in any situation is tough and exhausting.

I think mental rest is so important. I also think it is something that most of us aren't very good about doing. I know I have many ways in which I can improve at this. Many of us have hundreds of things running through our head on any given day. Constant to-do lists, people to respond to, relationships that need work, projects that need to get done, kids to take care of, family members that are sick or hurting...the lists are endless. We get to the end of our day and we just crash. It is exhausting.

For many of us, there is also the complexity that grief adds. Grief isn't just limited to one day. Or even a short amount of time in our life. Grief follows alongside us every moment that we breathe. Why? Because the love we have for the person that has passed is always part of us as well.

As I try to do everything life requires of me, I am often baffled as to why I'm so tired. Sometimes I stop and think, "what did I do today to warrant this exhaustion?" And then I think about the night before and how many times I was woken up by a kid. How I finally got back to sleep and then the kids wake up for the day. The meals that needed to be made, the grocery shopping, going to the gym, laundry, cleaning, entertaining my kids, refereeing them, scheduling birthday parties, etc, etc. Sleep. Wake. Repeat. Over and over. And then there are times when I stop and it hits me like a ton of bricks. Matt. Isn't. Here.

Some of my goals for 2019 are being more comfortable with saying no to what doesn't fill my soul, yes to what does, asking for help, and investing in people who invest in us. I have ways to implement my goals but it boils down to being organized with my thoughts and with my time. I want to look back at every year and be proud of how I pushed through and kept promises to myself. I want to take individual time for myself, for my kids, for my friends, and for my family.

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