Friday, August 7, 2015

Healthy Baby, Happy Momma

Today has been wonderful. Given my history of miscarriages, I was able to have an early ultrasound done this morning. Matt, Olivia, and I all went to the imaging place. I have been extremely nervous since finding out I am pregnant. I guess I keep waiting for the worst to happen. I keep imaging that a pregnancy can't go smoothly for me and that it has to be hard before we are blessed with a baby in our arms. But this time around, that's not the case. Over the last few weeks I think I have tried to deny the fact that I am pregnant. Not because I don't want to be, because I REALLY do. But, I thought if I denied it to myself, and anything was wrong, maybe I wouldn't connect to this baby and it would just be easier if there were problems. However, that isn't the case. I find myself waking up in the morning with a smile on my face knowing there is a life growing inside me. A little being that I love so deeply and already can't imagine our lives without him/her.

Throughout the ultrasound this morning, I kept looking for anything that would signal a problem. When I first saw the gestational sac, I was unable to see the baby. But once the tech switched ultrasound methods and stopped taking the necessary measurements, we could see that little tiny baby and his/her beautiful heart flickering away. Baby measures at 5mm right now and it's heartbeat is 113. It is truly amazing that technology allows us to see something so small and yet it has impacted me so greatly. 

Baby at 6 weeks 4 days
Heartbeat: 113
Size: 5mm
Olivia continues to keep me busy...what toddler doesn't?!? She is talking SO much. At her 18 month appointment, her pediatrician was impressed that she knows WAY over 25 words, knows signs, and that she is forming two word sentences like "Momma shoes," "Dada truck," etc. She is so smart sometimes it baffles me. Like when she wants to see something on Grandma's phone and she hands Grandma her glasses because she knows Grandma needs them in order to see the phone. Or how she says "motorcycle" so clearly and knows the sound of one driving by without seeing it. 

Olivia-18 months
I think Olivia is going to be a great big sister. I know life is about to get more busy, messy, and I am going to be even more tired. But that is what my life is all husband, my babies, my family. I feel so very blessed.
At Daddy's work after we told him Olivia is going to be a BIG SISTER!

I just love her cheesy smile!