A year ago I woke up knowing I was having a baby. I knew I would walk into the hospital and be induced and have Rylan. His birth wasn't anything like Olivia's. And it didn't go how I thought it would. Although I was induced and had my water broke, Rylan came in his own way. 20 minutes, 2 pushes, and no time for drugs. He came out a funky shade of blue. He was whisked away from me as quickly as he was born. It was stressful and confusing. And the four days following were just as terrifying. Those days in the NICU were all too similar to the days I spent with Matt in the hospital. Sleepless nights full of fear and worry.
I look back at the last year and I can't believe Rylan is one. I can't believe I've done it. When Matt passed I didn't think I could do it. I didn't know how I'd raise two kids, especially a newborn, without help from Matt.
Rylan is the sweetest baby I've ever seen. I often say he is Matt's personality in a little baby. He's silly. He's patient. He's quiet. But then he has a glimmer of "something" in his eye that makes me wonder what he's scheming.
It's hard to imagine the days before having Rylan. It's hard to picture life without him in it. Part of me feels like he's always been in my world. And then the other part feels like he was born just yesterday. Either way, my heart aches that Matt isn't here for this. He's here, but not how either of us wanted. I can't believe Rylan and Matt never met. I can't believe Matt hasn't witnessed that deep, hearty laugh or the amount of food Rylan can eat.
The one year milestone is so hard on me. I remember when Olivia turned one and I cried everyday for a week. I couldn't believe that my baby was becoming a toddler. And while these emotions are the same with Rylan, there is even more sadness behind this milestone.
I don't know what my future holds. I've given up trying to predict what God has in store. And because of this uncertainty, it's sad to think that Rylan might be my last baby. Matt and I were undecided about wanting 2, 3, or 4 kids. He wanted 2, I wanted 4, and I always thought we would meet in the middle and have 3. Without Matt here, I can't have that conversation or plan for more babies. Rylan's birthday means he will stop nursing soon. He will start walking. He will begin to feed himself. He will develop independence and preferences. And while all of these are amazing transitions for parents to witness their children master, it's equally sad to think this is the last time I'll see it.
When Matt first passed I was bitter about my pregnancy. I had terrible thoughts about this unborn baby I was carrying. I kept saying I wished I had miscarried instead of losing Matt. I quickly realized that it wasn't an "either-or." It wasn't like I had to pick Matt or the baby. Thankfully as my belly grew, my love for Rylan did too. I can't explain the joy he brings to my life. I can't imagine not having him here. Matt left me with a tremendous blessing. A gift. His babies. And they are the sweetest, most wonderful little children.
On Saturday we celebrated Rylan's birthday. It was "flannel up for some fun, Rylan is ONE!" Matt wore plaid almost daily. He had more flannel than a lumberjack. The theme seemed like an appropriate way to incorporate Matt into Rylan's birthday. As our friends and family arrived, I quickly saw how everyone took this theme to heart as almost everyone was wearing plaid. It was amazing. I wanted Rylan's birthday to incorporate and include Matt and it was awesome to see our friends and family do the same as they all showed up wearing plaid.
Rylan's adorable cupcakes from Wanna Cupcake |
Val made these cute little goodie snack bags |
Samantha made this cute sign for Rylan's party |
Waiting for the birthday boy to wake up |
Allison's adorable appetizer |
He LOVED his cupcake |
Auntie Well and Uncle Andy |
Uncle Josh, Kash, and Auntie Katie |
Uncle Eli, Auntie Michelle, Isaac, Addy, and Ayla |
Papa Mark and Grandma Patty |
Uncle Mike, Aunt Kim, and Robert |
Papa Larry and Grandma Val |
Aunt Toni and Uncle Gary |
Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jennie |
Great Grandma Sandy and Aunt Jennie |
Great Grandpa Cot and Grandma Joann |
Aunt Allison and Uncle Justin |
Kylee and Aunt Steph |
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