As I sit here now, I realize how much Olivia has changed lately. I sit here with tears in my eyes. Lately I have had a strange struggle with missing her being in my belly, missing her being so tiny, but loving how much fun she is lately. How did she become almost 7 months old? How is possible that my little baby is scooting her way all over the house? How does she have two teeth?
I would say in the last two months I have seen the biggest changes in her. She laughs at things she finds funny. She used to laugh at people being overly silly. Now she finds Maci's craziness hilarious. Or certain interactions with Mom and Dad she gets good belly giggles out of. She can sit unsupported, she can play independently, she eats more and more solid foods, and she SCOOTS!
I don't know how I am going to keep watching her grow without missing so many things. I miss being pregnant. I miss those nights where I just laid in bed and thought about what she would be like. I miss feeling her hiccups and her kicks. I miss the evenings sitting on the couch with Matt and watching my belly move and contort. We would sit and watch it and wonder what she was doing and which limb it was.
I also miss when she was just a squishy newborn. When she would just be content to sleep on my chest (she still is but I know it is important for her to be in her crib). I miss the 6 weeks after she was born when I was forced to take it easy. When I didn't have to worry about her morning nap and making sure I got my workout in while she sleeps.
And while I miss so much that has happened in the last 7 months, I also love everything that has happened. I have loved seeing her change from that squishy newborn into a plump baby. Into a truly happy and content baby. A baby that can sit on the floor and watch Maci play all day and be perfectly entertained.
I dreaded the day I would have to introduce solids because I thought it would mean she didn't need me anymore. But it has been hilarious and fulfilling to see her experience new flavors and textures through food. She hates apples and bananas. She loves sweet potatoes and peas.
Everyone says your kids grow up too fast. Every time I hear that, I make a mental note to soak it all in. Even the moments when there is so much poop everywhere that you can't imagine her ever being clean, the nights when she just wants to be awake (even though she's happy), the moments when you know she won't have clean pajamas unless you finally do laundry, or the moments when she only wants mom. It is easy to find frustration during those times. But I quickly remind myself that I will long for those times again-and often I do! And yes, time does go too quickly. I wish she was a baby longer. But I know she is transforming into a little girl that I will be so proud of. A little girl that has the heart of so many and is loved more than she will ever know.
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Kash helping babysit. Covered Olivia with all her toys. |
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Sitting like a big girl. I love her little neck and big head. |
Her great-grandpa |
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Her Papa. She is so blessed to have amazing grandparents on both sides of the family. |
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With her Daddy on his birthday. |
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The face of a rested baby! She slept 11 hours straight! |